2015 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,600 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 27 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

January 9, 2016: Winter garden clean up

Winter garden clean up today included cutting down the canna lily stalks, pulling out the marigolds and leftover veggie plants, spreading mulch, and watering the cherry tree and other perennials. This last task was done with the rain water saved up in the barrel, before I finally winterize it by draining it and capping off the downspout. Soon it will be time to say goodbye to this beautiful garden, when I move to West Philly in February!


December 12, 2015: Lemons

When I bought a beautiful lemon tree from Greensgrow over the summer, the fruit had formed, but was hard and green. By the time October came, and it was cold enough outside to damage this heat loving citrus, I brought it in and placed it in a south facing window, lemons still unripe. I read up and learned that they can take up to nine months to ripen, and need of plenty of water to do so. I kept watering and rotating the container, making sure the tree was getting good sun, and two months later, I harvested three lemons. And tonight, I made a quart of lemonade from the half cup of juice they yielded! Refreshing on this 60 degree night.  


December 3, 2015: Front yard, back yard 

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve begun to winterize my garden: uprooting the tomato plants and other annuals and spreading mulch. Michael planted a weeping cherry to replace the fruiting variety that came out over the summer. The marigolds are still blooming though, and the iris blossom in front began opening yesterday!  


September 21, 2015: Tomatoes from vine to sauce

Within two weeks, I’ve harvested enough tomatoes to make two batches of tomato sauce. The latest included the black cherries and Japanese trifeles, as well as pineapple bicolors, which came from a volunteer plant that must have grown from a discarded fruit from last year’s plant. The recipe I created calls for one onion, several cloves of garlic, fresh thyme, two bay leaves, and of course, several pounds of tomatoes. I used my immersion blender to purée them, then a strainer to remove as many seeds as possible. It took about four hours to cook down to the desired consistency, and now it’s in the freezer for spaghetti dinners throughout the fall and winter. 


September 1, 2015: An eggplant that really looks like an eggplant

I posted photos last week of the first signs of fruit forming, but as of last night, I noticed that now the eggplant resembles what it will be when ready to harvest. This heatwave we are having is going to be good for these vegetables! Did you know that when it is 90° outside, the top few inches of soil could reach 120? I learned this last night at the free workshop offered by PHS at the pop-up garden in Passyunk Square.

August 28, 2015: Eggplants beginning to form

Two eggplants are slowly forming as the purple flowers turn into vegetables growing within the sepals and stems. I fertilized the raised bed on Wednesday in order to encourage them to grow before it gets too cold, as eggplants love warm and sunny conditions. I’m guessing it will take another two weeks for these to ripen. Between the first several photos (from two days ago) and the last one (taken this morning), it’s clear they’re growing steadily!